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Dinar Iraq News

CBI: IMF is convinced financial policy for Iraq heading in right direction

10/6/2011 1:01 PM

CBI: International Monetary Fund is convinced the financial policy for Iraq

BAGHDAD Central Bank of Iraq announced that there is acceptance of the International Monetary Fund on Iraq political cash.

The deputy governor of Central Bank of Iraq the appearance of Mohammed Saleh said that “the IMF is convinced that monetary policy in the direction the country is heading a true fit with the reality of the Iraqi economy.”

He added that “the central bank follows the monetary policy to reduce inflation and provide cover for the local currency and economic controls commensurate with the fiscal policy pursued in Iraq.”

He noted that “the central bank constantly reviews the Ssayasth cash and mechanisms to address the annual inflation and gaps facing the use of foreign currency and local communities in the country.”

CBI: IMF yakin dasar kewangan bagi Iraq menuju ke arah yang betul

BAGHDAD Bank Pusat Iraq telah mengumumkan bahawa terdapat penerimaan Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa (IMF) pada Iraq politik wang tunai.

Timbalan Gabenor Bank Negara Iraq rupa Mohammed Saleh berkata, "IMF yakin bahawa dasar monetari ke arah negara menuju sesuai benar dengan realiti ekonomi Iraq."

Beliau menambah bahawa "kata bank pusat berikut dasar monetari untuk mengurangkan kadar inflasi dan menyediakan perlindungan bagi mata wang tempatan dan kawalan ekonomi yang setimpal dengan dasar fiskal yang dikejar di Iraq."

Beliau berkata bahawa "kata bank pusat sentiasa ulasan tunai Ssayasth dan mekanisme untuk menangani inflasi tahunan dan jurang menghadapi penggunaan mata wang asing dan masyarakat tempatan di negara ini."


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