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Dinar Iraq News

Presidency of the parliament held January 4th: Meeting with the heads of parliamentary blocs to discuss the dismissal of al-Mutlaq and budget 2012

Tuesday, December 27 2011

The presidency of the Council of Representatives will be held on the fourth month of the next January meeting with the heads of parliamentary blocs to discuss a number of issues in the political arena in the country.

The MP said the mass of citizens Qasim al-Araji told all of Iraq [where] that “the Presidency of the Parliament will hold a meeting with heads of parliamentary blocs and the Committee of Public Members on the fourth of next month, which falls on Wednesday to discuss a number of topics including the sacking of Deputy Prime Minister for Services Affairs Saleh al-Mutlaq.”

“The meeting will also discuss the financial budget of the State for the year 2012 and special topics affairs of members.”

Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki made a request to withdraw confidence from his deputy, Saleh al-Mutlaq described the latter because of the owners as “a dictator does not build” as well as the lack of efficiency and integrity, according to the MP said the coalition of state law, Yasin Majeed.

The House of Representatives has decided to postpone for two weeks because of a lack of quorum for any meeting held to day 3 of next January 2012.

The political arena in Iraq has witnessed over the past days developments often coincided with the date of withdrawal of the last U.S. troops from the country end of the year, including the political differences between the State of Law Coalition and members of the Iraqi List, followed by suspension of the presence of representatives of the Iraqi List, to Meetings of the Houses of Representatives and the Minister then issued a memorandum arrest of the Supreme Judicial Council against Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi the charge of his office’s involvement with the bombing Parliament late last month, and also the arrival of the request of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to the House of Representatives to withdraw confidence from the Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq.

Presiden parlimen yang diadakan januari 4: Mesyuarat dengan ketua-ketua blok parlimen untuk membincangkan pemecatan al-Mutlaq dan bajet 2012

Jawatan presiden Majlis Rakyat akan diadakan pada bulan keempat mesyuarat pada Januari depan dengan ketua-ketua blok parlimen untuk membincangkan beberapa isu-isu dalam arena politik di negara ini.

MP berkata jisim warganegara Qasim al-Araji kepada semua Iraq [di mana] bahawa "Presiden Parlimen akan mengadakan pertemuan dengan ketua-ketua blok parlimen dan Jawatankuasa Ahli Awam pada hari keempat bulan depan, yang jatuh pada rabu untuk membincangkan beberapa topik yang termasuk pemecatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri untuk Perkhidmatan Hal Ehwal Saleh al-Mutlaq. "

"Mesyuarat juga akan membincangkan bajet kewangan Negeri bagi tahun 2012 dan topik hal ehwal khas ahli-ahli."

Perdana Menteri Nuri al-Maliki telah membuat permintaan untuk menarik balik keyakinan daripada timbalannya, Saleh al-Mutlaq menyifatkan kedua kerana pemilik sebagai "diktator tidak membina" serta kekurangan kecekapan dan integriti, menurut Ahli Parlimen berkata gabungan undang-undang negeri, Yasin Majeed.

Dewan Rakyat telah memutuskan untuk menangguhkan selama dua minggu kerana kekurangan kuorum bagi mana-mana mesyuarat yang diadakan 3 hari Januari akan datang 2012.

Arena politik di Iraq telah menyaksikan lebih perkembangan hari yang lalu sering bertepatan dengan tarikh penarikan balik tentera AS terakhir dari akhir negara tahun ini, termasuk perbezaan politik antara Negeri Gabungan Undang-Undang dan ahli-ahli Senarai Iraq, diikuti oleh penggantungan kehadiran wakil-wakil Senarai di Iraq, untuk Mesyuarat Houses Rakyat dan Menteri kemudian mengeluarkan satu penangkapan memorandum itu Tertinggi Kehakiman Majlis terhadap Naib Presiden Tariq al-Hashemi tuduhan penglibatan pejabat beliau di Parlimen pengeboman yang lewat bulan lepas, dan juga ketibaan permintaan Perdana Menteri Nuri al-Maliki kepada Dewan Rakyat untuk menarik balik keyakinan daripada Timbalan Perdana Menteri Saleh al-Mutlaq.

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