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Dinar Iraq News

Najafi:Parliament would agree to give the people a share of the oil if requested bythe government
Editor: BR | HAH Thursday, 22 September 2011 10:15 GMT

Alsumaria News / Baghdad

The Chief of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, Thursday,that the invitation to the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr to give the people a share ofthe oil is an issue between the government and the chest, but he stressed thatthe Parliament would agree to such a call, if requested by the government thatlegally.

Osama al-Najafi, during a press conference held atParliament House and attended by "Alsumaria News", "as calledfor by the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, giving people a share of the oil is thesubject between the government and Sadr," asserting that "the Houseof Representatives be approved if the government has made a request law doesnot conflict with the Constitution. "

The cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, select, on the fifth ofSeptember, the current, three conditions to postpone the event, millions demandfor better services, stressing that those conditions included giving a share ofIraqi oil to every citizen and run at least fifty thousand unemployed in allprovinces and the distribution of fuel on generators in all the provinces forfree before they are improving the situation of electricity in those areas.

As Sadr called on the 11 of September the current, the Iraqipeople to come out in peaceful demonstrations on Friday (September 17 current)next to the implementation of the demands and give thanks for all the effortsthat work in his favor, stating that the Government took into account the threeconditions set by the postponement of the demonstrations, as spokesman Salahal-Obeidi, the Sadrist movement to the demonstration called by the clericMoqtada al-Sadr would be to give thanks to the efforts of the government in theoutput of the "occupation" of the country.

The number of the media confirmed that Prime Minister Nurial-Maliki sent a delegation to Iran to put pressure on the cleric Moqtadaal-Sadr and persuade him to postpone the demonstrations which called for toimprove the performance of the government. Comes of those developments afterconfirmation of the Sadrist movement in the third of September, the current isnot related to the demonstration which called for to non-governmentalorganizations on the ninth of September, while pointing out that the statementof the chest entrusted the matter to the people as is the live services, henoted that some people try to stick by this event.

He called on the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, in the 26 ofAugust, to go out demonstrations Magdy Rady in the provinces and cities, allIraqi, after the Eid holiday to demand better services, after the expiration ofthe six months granted by the power of the government, but without specifyingthe date, which creating a kind of confusion, especially in conjunction with acall to a number of non-governmental organizations, in the 24 of August, toscenes of mass protests in Tahrir Square, and squares the provinces on theninth of September the current, to demand that the government of Prime MinisterNuri al-Maliki to resign, which emphasized that the demonstrations come afterdeadline provided for Maliki's government to resign and apologize for thesuppression of the demonstrators, and threatened to picket demonstrations totopple the government, even in the event of failure to meet its demands.

Iraq has been since 25 February, demonstrations traveledaround the country calling for reform and change and the eradication of rampantcorruption in the joints of the state, organized by young university studentsand intellectuals are independent through social networking sites on theInternet, at the time still calls escalate for the demonstrations in allprovinces until the achievement of service completely.

The government has announced readiness to implement a numberof reforms to meet the demands of the demonstrators throughout Iraq, includingLimbering in the ministries, in addition to identifying the prime minister outa hundred a day to improve the functioning of government institutions anddevelopment of services, which ended on the seventh of June, without the leadto stop demonstrations because of the failure to find radical solutions to thecrisis of unemployment and the low level of performance of service departmentsand other ministries.


Ketua Majlis Rakyat Iraq, Khamis, bahawa jemputan kepada ulama yang Moqtada al-Sadr untuk memberi rakyat minyak saham ofthe merupakan satu isu di antara kerajaan dan dada, tetapi beliau menekankan thatthe Parlimen akan bersetuju dengan panggilan seperti itu , jika diminta oleh kerajaan thatlegally.

Osama al-Najafi, pada sidang akhbar yang diadakan Dewan atParliament dan dihadiri oleh "Berita Alsumaria", "sebagai calledfor oleh Moqtada ulama al-Sadr, memberikan orang saham minyak thesubject antara kerajaan dan Sadr," menegaskan bahawa " Wakil Houseof diluluskan jika kerajaan telah membuat doesnot permintaan undang-undang yang bercanggah dengan Perlembagaan. "

Moqtada ulama al-Sadr, pilih, pada ofSeptember kelima, semasa, keadaan tiga untuk menangguhkan majlis itu, berjuta-juta demandfor perkhidmatan yang lebih baik, menekankan bahawa syarat-syarat itu termasuk memberi saham minyak ofIraqi kepada setiap rakyat dan menjalankan sekurang-kurangnya lima puluh ribu menganggur di allprovinces dan pengagihan bahan api ke atas penjana dalam semua forfree provinsi sebelum mereka memperbaiki keadaan elektrik di kawasan-kawasan.

Sebagai Sadr dipanggil pada 11 September semasa, Iraqipeople untuk keluar dalam demonstrasi secara aman pada hari Jumaat (17 September semasa) akan datang dengan pelaksanaan tuntutan dan bersyukur untuk semua kerja effortsthat memihak kepada beliau, yang menyatakan bahawa Kerajaan telah mengambil kira threeconditions yang ditetapkan oleh penangguhan demonstrasi, sebagai jurucakap Salahal-Obeidi, pergerakan Sadrist demonstrasi yang dipanggil oleh clericMoqtada al-Sadr akan bersyukur kepada usaha-usaha kerajaan dalam theoutput "pekerjaan" negara ini.

Bilangan media mengesahkan bahawa Perdana Menteri Nurial-Maliki telah menghantar satu delegasi ke Iran untuk meletakkan tekanan pada Moqtadaal-Sadr ulama dan memujuk beliau untuk menangguhkan demonstrasi yang dipanggil untuk toimprove prestasi kerajaan. Datang afterconfirmation perkembangan orang-orang pergerakan Sadrist dalam ketiga bulan September, isnot semasa yang berkaitan dengan demonstrasi yang menyeru kepada bukan governmentalorganizations pada hari kesembilan bulan September, ketika menunjukkan bahawa statementof diamanahkan dada perkara itu kepada rakyat seperti yang perkhidmatan secara langsung, henoted bahawa beberapa orang cuba melekat dengan acara ini.

Beliau menyeru ulama yang Moqtada al-Sadr, pada ofAugust 26, untuk keluar demonstrasi Magdy Rady di wilayah-wilayah dan bandar-bandar, allIraqi, selepas cuti hari raya untuk menuntut perkhidmatan yang lebih baik, selepas ofthe habis tempoh enam bulan yang diberikan oleh kuasa kerajaan, tetapi tanpa tarikh specifyingthe, yang mewujudkan kekeliruan, terutama bersama-sama dengan acall kepada beberapa pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO), pada 24 Ogos, toscenes protes besar-besaran di Tahrir Square, dan segi empat wilayah di theninth September yang semasa, untuk menuntut bahawa kerajaan Perdana MinisterNuri al-Maliki meletakkan jawatan, yang menekankan bahawa demonstrasi datang afterdeadline disediakan bagi kerajaan Maliki, untuk meletakkan jawatan dan meminta maaf bagi thesuppression penunjuk perasaan, dan terancam dengan demonstrasi piket totopple kerajaan, walaupun dalam peristiwa kegagalan untuk memenuhi permintaan.

Iraq telah sejak 25 Februari, demonstrasi traveledaround negara yang memanggil untuk pembaharuan dan perubahan dan pembasmian rampantcorruption dalam sendi negeri ini, yang dianjurkan oleh muda universiti studentsand intelektual yang bebas melalui laman rangkaian sosial di theInternet, pada masa itu masih panggilan memuncak untuk demonstrasi di allprovinces sehingga pencapaian perkhidmatan sepenuhnya.

Kerajaan telah mengumumkan kesediaan untuk melaksanakan pembaharuan Bilangan bagi memenuhi permintaan penunjuk perasaan di seluruh Iraq, includingLimbering di kementerian, di samping mengenal pasti Perdana Menteri outa ratus hari untuk memperbaiki fungsi institusi kerajaan anddevelopment perkhidmatan, yang berakhir pada ketujuh Jun, tanpa demonstrasi berhenti leadto kerana kegagalan untuk mencari penyelesaian radikal untuk thecrisis pengangguran dan tahap yang rendah prestasi perkhidmatan departmentsand kementerian lain.

Read more: http://www.alsumarianews.com/ar/1/28479/news-details-.html


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